June 10, 2008

AOK students promoted and receive awards.

Congratulations to all of our students who passed their rank examinations this past weekend.

I have seen a noticeable improvement since everyone's last examination and I look forward to even more growth and progress in the future for everyone.

On the day, many people were nervous about their testing but managed to show patience and perseverance to get through the challenge of performing under pressure.
Everyone's techniques were crisp and their KATA were performed with good rhythm and timing.

I wish for all of my students the best of luck and success for many years to come.
My advice to everyone is to keep training and practice every chance you get, even if it is only for a few minutes at a time. Everything you do counts toward your goals and your journey to black belt excellence.

Just remember that If you put your mind to something, DON'T give up and see it through, one day you will LIVE your dreams.

Congratulations to everyone and good luck!


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to all that tested and those that continue to train!
