March 18, 2010

After School Program at Andres Duarte

The Academy of Karate is proud to announce a new Karate after school program starting on Wednesday March 24th at the Andres Duarte School in Duarte California.

Classes are scheduled for Wednesdays and Fridays at 2:45 - 3:30 pm on school grounds.

Class rates are $60 per 8 sessions.

OR $50 per 8 sessions when you choose our Automatic renewal option.

If you would like to enroll in this fantastic program, give us a call at 626-599-1633.

You may also go the the office at Andres Duarte and submit your registration on site or you may visit us at our main academy at 2163 Huntington Dr. in Duarte.

CALL NOW, Space is limited!

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